“Chornobyl – 2” Part II
Station of back-inclined sounding of the ionosphere (BIS or "Circle")
OTH-Radar "Chornobyl - 2".
"Circle" is an auxiliary system for OTH-Radar. It looks like two circles with diameter of 300 meters each, which consists from 240 metres aerials (120 by each circle).
After a short walk by autumn forest, we enter to territory of the Station of back-inclined sounding of the ionosphere (BIS or "Circle")

"Circle" is an auxiliary system for OTH-Radar. It looks like two circles with diameter of 300 meters each, which consists from 240 metres antennas (120 by each circle). In the circle centre there is a low one-storeyed building with reception equipment, on a building roof there is a central antenna. This was a unique target designator for "large" antennas of OTH-Radar... But as far as I know, the system was never used for this intended purpose, but on the other hand it was used in various experiments of passive radar in the short-wave range. All those who are interested, can try to look for information on a so-called theme "Tourmaline". At one time "Circle" become interested by ubiquitous KGB (of course! Such unique direction-finder stands idle :). But the military men were greedy and have not given "Circle" :)

1. Entrance on a position and a check point.
2, 3. Electropanel board and cooling tower of cooling systems.
4. Ecologist Sergey Paskevich near one of the dismantled antenna.
5. Antennas of an external circle.
6. A shielding grid. Antennas of an internal circle are dismantled.
7. The central premise.
8. It was a little unexpected to meet here a fire-engine. And though it rather a kind of "Rossoha-like" vehicle, no excess of a Gamma background near it, or Beta pollution on a surface - the car quite clear... And in general, on territory of Ch-2 and here, on positions of BIS, gamma background level, and quantity of beta disintegrations absolutely normal (and we, by the way, are in "Desyatka"!). Only in one place, between "the big" and "small" aerials of OTH-Radar “Ch-2”, the dosimeter has shown nearby 50 mcR/h...
9. Indoors obviously there was a fire. Walls and a ceiling are smoked... I climb on a roof...
10. In the left part of a building is enough big turbine building the cooling installation USO placed completely underground.
With Station BIS that’s all for a while. We come back to Chernobyl to visit "Radar Station near of Chornobyl"