Our winters have deteriorated over recent years... The temperature was about zero, snow was just a few and all around sad tarnish. But the winter of 2009 – 2010 has appeared as real frosty, white sparkling fairy tale. Though my photos of different years in Chornobyl Zone have entered into this selection, their big part of them is made in the winter of 2010 in Pripyat and Chornobyl Zone. Even in last winters with little snow it was difficult enough to move in the Zone... It became simply impossible this winter. The most necessary roads in the Chornobyl Zone have dozed with bulldozers, but further... Further snowdrifts, sometimes waist-deep. In the middle of January, we have decided to go for a walk in a small group to the river Pripyat on the Chornobyl Podol (lap). By clear road we have reached stadium, then about an hour we floundered in deep snowdrifts, have crept with difficulty two hundred metres till the end of park... And have shamefully retreat back to the hotel. Yes, the winter of 2010 has appeared as the real WINTER.
Winter in Chornobyl.
Road near ChNPP.
Winter in Pripyat.
Winter in village Zalissia.
Winter in village Cherevach on river Uzh.