It is the fourth final selection of my photos, from a cycle "Seasons in the Zone". I have begun it in less than a year ago. Has begun from autumn and here the circle closed up - outside the window already the middle of September. Anticipating this selection I was going to write about the last summer of 2010. Wanted to write about how hot it was... No, so VERY MUCH HOT! How asphalt melted, how everybody waited for a rain and +40
оС in a shade anybody scared anymore, how everyone in the Chornobyl Zone of Alienation were afraid of fires and the helicopter of "The Chornobyl Dense Forest" twice a day flew about all territory of the Zone, and firemen from Forest Fire Department, all the day long under the scorching sun turn and turn about were on duty on 30-meter high towers... Settled.
About that the hot water tap in a shower of Chernobyl hotel seemed absolutely senseless and unnecessary, and the car without air-conditioner was perceived as universal evil... In sum it would be possible to write much more about the last summer in the Chornobyl Zone, but in this case it will be a lot of to write, and in the title of the reporting it is not enough place for it. And, I think, how hot the summer of 2010 was, all of you haven't forgotten yet.
Evening. After a thunder-storm.
Here people work.
Here people live.
Here people do not live.
Summer in Pripyat
Summer on ChNPP
Summer on former OTH-Radar "Chornobyl - 2"
Summer in the Chernobyl Zone
Photo 2006-2010.
Village Korolivka |
Village Zhurba |
Creek Sahan
Village Straholissja. Border of Chornobyl Zone of Alienation |
Village Velyki Minki |
Village Zalissja