Any hospital by itself is not a cheerful place. Pripyat hospital, in its present condition, is especially so. Desolation, dark corridors, doors slamming in the draught, the rustling of crumbled plaster. But even with this, there are some places that are especially sad, and for that matter dangerous.
Even today, one room contains the clothes of firemen and workers ChNPP, who struggled with the consequences of the failure of reactor 4 on the night of April, 26th, 1986, a quarter of a century past. Helmets, tarpaulin uniforms, kersey boots, white overalls and shoe covers of power plant workers.In another room, mountains of the semi-decayed mattresses, hospital dressing gowns and slippers.
Even after more than 20 years from the date of failure. Gamma background in these premises can reach up to 100 mR/h.
Even after more than 20 years from the date of failure. Gamma background in these premises can reach up to 100 mR/h.
They have stayed here less then day; then they have been transported to Kiev, and then by plane to Moscow. Everybody, except engineer Shashenok, he has died here, in hospital, he was not live through the night of April, 26th. The six firemen, twenty two worker of ChNPP, of non-departmental security and contract organisations have died of sharp radiation sickness in 6th radiological clinic of Moscow in the course of a several months after failure.
Autor Yevgen "KRANZ" Goncharenko
Autor Yevgen "KRANZ" Goncharenko
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