I never photographed till now the buildings of Pripyat’s executive committee and musical school. The executive committee especially is not interesting by anything (it is the typical project). After failure here was "Complex" (one of the Zone enterprises), about what the huge broken badge of a radio-activity and the rests of a corresponding inscription over an enter testifies. Further along the street is a complex of buildings one of which - a music school, and the second - cinema "Prometheus". Interesting enough project. The school facade is decorated by a mosaic and, despite 30 years age, looks as new.
(Or, as Pripyaters and "advanced stalkers" said, – «MSCh-126»). I was always surprised, for what in fifty thousandth small town such unimaginable quantity of medical institutions: the hospital, a few small different polyclinics, dispensaries, clinics etc. Ots the whole complex occupying almost a third of all city.
- Pripyat secondary school №1.
A school - as a school. In Kiev I studied in precisely the same. The typical Soviet project of the seventies. In the winter of 2006 the part of school has fallen down. And PSS-1 (Pripyat secondary school) became the first signs of Pripyat self-damage. Now in a school court yard bring guests-visitors and show them the heaps of the brick mixed with textbooks and fragments of school desks. Visitors groan, shake their heads and photograph. I did not begin to photograph (for two years a break configuration have not changed at all). A school hothouse, dining-hall, a medical office + an office of the stomatologist. A hothouse, by the way, in an excellent condition! I remember, at my Kyiv school, the same hothouse was not popular and had absolutely deserted and wild look. No, of course, in due time a certain interest at rising generation (basically a male), it, certainly, caused - as almost inexhaustible source of intended for breaking glasses. But a source nevertheless has appeared not bottomless… And when I, at last, have grown up enough to join well-disposed ranks of "glaziers", alas - all glazing has already been broken before me... Worse that, the school management has solved not glaze a hothouse anew, having left its ruined and broken for edification of descendants. Thus, completely having ignored needs of nature of little boys at the age from 2 till 50 years. After that small digression to my school childhood, try to present now how is it for me: to see a school hothouse without any broken glass! :)
Classroom for singing and Assembly hall. In my school the piano stood in the opposite end of a class.
Chemistry laboratory, its store room and a gymnasium.
- Water pool "Lazurniy” (Azure).
It is difficult to imagine more photographing object in Pripyat (and now it besides appears at least in two popular computer games). With it can argue by popularity unless a recreation centre "Energetik" and a big dipper in park. By the way, the pool worked on the direct purpose even after failure (that in after-failure Pripyat a huge rarity) at least till 1996. Already being inside, I have suddenly recollected that never photographed "Lazurniy” (Azure) and have got into a bag for the camera...
It has entitled railway station and... It was almost completely absorbed by the raising city of Pripyat. There was no more then ten houses left from it. The village rests are on northern suburb of Pripyat (as continuation of the Stroiteley prospect (prospect of Builders).
For those readers who already has started be bored from "commonplace" photos and my poor descriptions known for everybody for a long time Priryat sights, I can offer a small intriguing gift:
I intentionally do not spread out a map (who will want -will find this place :). This is one of thrown after-failure check point of Pripayt. Highlight of this place - thick lead glass in windows - about 8 sm thick! Heavy, falling on asphalt with a metal clink. Its splinters are similar to enormous pieces of amber. Level of easing of gamma radiation at such thickness rather high. One my familiar dosimetrist man said that in his laboratory, in "the hot camera" for work with powerful gamma sources, such glass is used, only twice more thickly... Quite suffices on all cases. It is surprising that there were "Creation Summits", not spared time and efforts on breaking several windows. I do not know, which way: whether shot from fire-arms, whether all the day, with inspiration, picked them by crow-bar. Here, actually, for today for Pripyat that’s all.